Home> About the Project> Work Packages> WP2 Geo-characterisation


WP2 will assemble, acquire and interpret geological data for the three pilot sites (Ebro, Lusitanian and Paris Basins), building conceptual geological models of them. For the two secondary sites (West Macedonia, Upper Silesia) data will be acquired, re-processed and re-interpreted. 


  • Geological modelling of pilot sites (Ebro, Lusitanian and Paris Basins) 
  • Bespoke data acquisition and interpretation for each pilot region; will supply additional data to WPs 3 & 4
  • Each region will work semi-autonomously on their own site, but with common methodology and aims
  • Re-interpret data for secondary sites  (Upper Silesia, West Macedonia) to advance understanding of the prospects for CO2 storage


D2.1 - Target area of Paris Basin Region (FR): Data inventory, seismic target and GAP analysis

This report presents the CO2 storage area in France to be fully characterised in PilotSTRATEGY and the target for the 3D seismic survey. This report also includes an inventory of available data in the selected area and a gap analysis.

D2.2 Gravimetric Survey: Lopín Structure, Onshore - Ebro Basin, Spain

Within the framework of the project “CO2 Geological Pilots in Strategic Territories (pilotSTRATEGY)”, a gravimetric survey was carried out with the aim of improving the knowledge of the Lopín structure (Ebro Basin ‐ onshore). This gravimetric study, allowed filling the existing gaps of information and represents the first step to carry on the development, monitoring and implementation of this potential Pilot Site.

D2.3 Seismic acquisition for Paris Basin plus survey results and interpretation

This deliverable is a detailed report of the 3D seismic acquisition conducted in the Paris Basin – Grandpuits area for the PilotSTRATEGY project and preliminary seismic interpretation.

A full detailed explanation of the workflow and parameters used for seismic acquisition is presented in the current report. Design, permitting, acquisition, quality control and pre‐processing of the campaign were carried out by Smart Seismic Solutions (S³), third party partner of the project, from December 2021 to July 2022. The acquisition itself (layout of the receivers, vibration, collection of the receivers) took place over a period of only 5 weeks from mid‐May until the end of June.

D2.4 Report on Seismic Reprocessing, West Macedonia

The Mesohellenic Basin (MHB) seismic interpretation study, conducted as part of the Horizon 2020-funded PilotSTRATEGY project, aims to enhance the assessment of the CO₂ storage resource in the area. This work aimed to advance these resources toward contingent status based on available legacy seismic data. Situated in Western Macedonia, onshore Northern Greece, the MHB represents a prominent sedimentary basin within the Tethyan orogenic belt, which is characterised by complex tectonic evolution and sedimentary processes.

The report provides an overview of the basin's geological framework, outlining its geodynamic evolution and stratigraphy. The MHB developed as a piggy-back basin, with stratigraphic formations that include potential reservoir units including the Eptachorion and Pentalophos formations. These units are characterised by turbiditic deposits and significant lithological variations due to tectonic and sedimentary dynamics.

D2.5 Report on Local Seismicity for Lusitanian & Ebro Basins, including Earthquake Catalog

This deliverable reports on the assessment and monitoring of local seismicity in the PilotSTRATEGY target areas of Lopin (Spain) and the Lusitanian basin, offshore from Figueira da Foz (Portugal). Pre-injection monitoring is an essential task for any CO2 injection project, to establish a baseline of natural and any man-made seismicity (such as explosions associated with quarrying). If CO2 injection were to induce a seismic event, then knowing the natural pattern and intensity of seismic activity would be essential.

D2.6 Petrophysics Report of all Regions

This deliverable reports on the petrophysical data collected for all sites in France, Spain (offshore and onshore), Portugal and Greece. The source of information and sample gathering can be extremely variable: for France and Spain (onshore), well samples were available from the oil exploration period and in the case of Spain onshore, outcrop samples were analysed as well; in Spain offshore and Portugal, well log data were used essentially together with a few samples; in Greece, outcrop samples were used. For each region, a brief geological description is made to describe the formation target and the general context.

D2.7 Conceptual Geological Models

This report summarises the work conducted as part of work package 2, task 2.3 (Conceptual Geological Models) of the PilotSTRATEGY project that contributed to this Deliverable 2.7, Geological Models of the 3 areas. Much of the data collected in WP2.3 is not included here, but has been passed to PilotSTRATEGY work package 3, for the construction of static and dynamic digital reservoir models for the modelling of CO2 injection and CO2 behaviour in the storage complex. The 3 areas concerned in this report (Portugal, Spain, France) have worked semi‐independently on this WP, but with most collaboration between the 2 Iberian countries as the areas share some characteristics. All 3 areas use similar types of subsurface data (though of widely varying vintages and quality), and have utilised analytical techniques that are largely derived from the oil and gas exploration and production industry. With one offshore area, 2 onshore ones, and 1 carbonate reservoir and 2 clastic ones, the challenges of the areas vary considerably. Hence, each area is described separately, though similarities in methods will be seen. The report has a relatively short summary of each area, which is intended to be relatively easily read, followed by a more detailed Annex with a full description of data, methods and a summary of the results.

D2.7 Geological Models Annex (Portugal)

This document aims to provide additional information to complete the deliverable 2.7, task 2.3 of work package 2 (WP2, Geocharacterization) of the PilotSTRATEGY Project. Detailed description of the regional geological framework, including sedimentological, structural, and stratigraphical characterization is presented in section 3 – Regional Geological Characterization. The characterization of the storage complex is presented in section 4 – Storage Complex Characterization, and a comprehensive facies analysis of the reservoir and the seal in section 5 – Facies analysis. Section 6 includes the analysis of some outcrops, and in section 7 – Depositional Environments and Geological Conceptual Model, as a conclusion, the main deposition environments of the area of interest and some notes on the conceptual geological model, are stated.

D2.7 Geological Models Annex (Ebro Basin, Spain)

The study area is situated near the southern edge of the Ebro basin, which is located in the northeastern region of the Iberian Peninsula. In particular, the study area lies near the northern boundary of the Aragonese branch of the Iberian Chain. This basin has a triangular shape and serves as the foreland basin for the Pyrenees, Iberian Chain, and Catalan Coastal Ranges located north, south, and east, respectively. The formation of the foreland basin commenced during the Paleocene, induced by flexural subsidence resulting from the development of these three mountain ranges (e.g. Pardo et al., 2004). Towards the central part of the Ebro Basin, the structure corresponds to a gentle syncline (the Ebro syncline, Quirantes, 1978), which was interpreted, based on surface (mapping and structural data) and subsurface (wells and seismic reflection data) data, as a bending fold that accommodated the slight reactivation of WNW-ESE basement faults originated at the beginning of the Mesozoic extension (Arlegui and Simón, 2001).

D2.7 Geological Models Annex (Paris Basin – Grandpuits, France)

This document aims to provide a summary and guidelines to complete the deliverable 2.7 of the PilotSTRATEGY Project.

The deliverable 2.7 corresponds to the Work Package 2 (Geocharacterization) of task 2.3 ‐Conceptual Geological Models‐. It should materialize the sub task 2.3.2 whose objective is “to develop the geological models for the 3 areas of study; Geological model based on facies analysis from available cores and cuttings, field analogues, log analysis, surface data and depositional environments, integrated with seismic stratigraphic and structural interpretations where available”.

D2.8 Report on Geomechanical results for the 3 areas

This deliverable reports on the geomechanical data collected for all sites in France, Spain (offshore and onshore), Portugal and Greece. The source of information and sample gathering can be extremely variable: for France and Spain (onshore), well samples were available from the oil exploration period; in Spain offshore and Portugal, well log data were used essentially together with a few samples; in Greece, outcrop samples were used. For each region, a brief geological description is made to describe the formation target and the general context.

D2.11 Report on the regional hydrogeology of the three study areas: Paris Basin – France, Lusitanian Basin – Portugal, Ebro Basin – Spain

This deliverable is part of the geo‐characterization work package (WP2) of PilotSTRATEGY and focuses on the regional hydrogeological systems of each of the three regions selected for full characterization of the storage complex, in the Paris Basin (onshore France), the Lusitanian Basin (offshore Portugal) and the Ebro Basin (onshore Spain). The report provides a description of the regional aquifers (permeable units) within each studied onshore sedimentary basin from the target reservoir to the surface. When the targeted reservoir is located offshore, the review uses the onshore hydrogeological system as a proxy for the offshore storage area.

Other Work Packages



Overall coordination and management of the project internally and externally

  • Day-to-day project management
  • Project Consortium Agreement monitoring
  • Risk management and quality control
Explore WP1


Assembling, acquiring and interpreting geological data

  • Geological modelling of pilot sites (Ebro, Lusitanian and Orleans-Paris Basins)
  • Bespoke data acquisition and usage for each pilot region
  • Re-interpret data for secondary sites (Upper Silesia, West Macedonia)
Explore WP2


Assessment of site storage capacity and integrity

  • Storage capacity and injection strategy
  • CO2 fate in the long term
  • Integrity of near wellbore caprock and fault/fractures
Explore WP3

Pilot Development

Development concepts for proposed pilots (Ebro, Lusitanian and Orleans-Paris Basins)

  • Information to enable decision on viability of each pilot
  • Pilot design and investment proposal
  • Robust project life-cycle
Explore WP4


Ensuring proposed pilots meet the best safety and performance standards

  • Ensure no significant risk of leakage or damage to human health/environment
  • Methodological framework and guidance
  • Recommendations for pilot implementation
Explore WP5

Social Acceptance

Investigating societal acceptance and public engagement

  • Understand public attitudes and needs
  • Build community and stakeholder participation
  • Develop public engagement recommendations
Explore WP6

Communications & Impact

Increasing the visibility and impact of the project

  • Communicate vision and findings
  • Deliver dissemination activities
  • Project data and impact management
Explore WP7