Home> About the Project> Work Packages> WP7 Communications & Impact

WP7Communications & Impact

Increasing the visibility and impact of the project


  • Communicate vision and findings
  • Deliver dissemination activities
  • Project data and impact management


D7.3 Project branding, website design & social media account

The PilotSTRATEGY branding, website and social media accounts are essential communication tools, which define the project image and provide a hub for all project details, activities and results, and more information about geological CO2 storage sites in industrial regions of Southern and Eastern Europe for the purpose of large-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) development.

This document outlines the processes that were followed from establishing the branding & website brief through to developing the project website.

D7.4 Project poster and briefing leaflet

A project poster (PDF) and a project briefing (two-page summary in PDF format) have been prepared and will be translated in the 5 languages of the regions in focus, for partners to use in conferences and regional workshops to explain and raise awareness of the project. Deliverable D7.4 includes a copy of the branded documents.

A high-definition version of the poster and the leaflet have been sent to all partners and have been made available to the public via the project’s website


D7.9 Data Management Plan

The objective of the Data Management Plan (DMP) is to identify the data used and generated in the project and to outline how this data will be made findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable, in accordance with the principles of FAIR data management. This document adheres to the European Commission’s guidelines on FAIR data management in Horizon 2020 (version 3.0, 26th July 2016) and provides information about the collected data, including its purpose, utility, accessibility, and reusability.

This is an updated version of the project’s DMP and includes the selection of a repository for long- term data storage. The DMP will be continuously reviewed, updated, and completed throughout the project, with the final version constituting the project’s Final DMP (deliverable D7.10).

Other Work Packages



Overall coordination and management of the project internally and externally

  • Day-to-day project management
  • Project Consortium Agreement monitoring
  • Risk management and quality control
Explore WP1


Assembling, acquiring and interpreting geological data

  • Geological modelling of pilot sites (Ebro, Lusitanian and Orleans-Paris Basins)
  • Bespoke data acquisition and usage for each pilot region
  • Re-interpret data for secondary sites (Upper Silesia, West Macedonia)
Explore WP2


Assessment of site storage capacity and integrity

  • Storage capacity and injection strategy
  • CO2 fate in the long term
  • Integrity of near wellbore caprock and fault/fractures
Explore WP3

Pilot Development

Development concepts for proposed pilots (Ebro, Lusitanian and Orleans-Paris Basins)

  • Information to enable decision on viability of each pilot
  • Pilot design and investment proposal
  • Robust project life-cycle
Explore WP4


Ensuring proposed pilots meet the best safety and performance standards

  • Ensure no significant risk of leakage or damage to human health/environment
  • Methodological framework and guidance
  • Recommendations for pilot implementation
Explore WP5

Social Acceptance

Investigating societal acceptance and public engagement

  • Understand public attitudes and needs
  • Build community and stakeholder participation
  • Develop public engagement recommendations
Explore WP6

Communications & Impact

Increasing the visibility and impact of the project

  • Communicate vision and findings
  • Deliver dissemination activities
  • Project data and impact management
Explore WP7