PilotSTRATEGY aims to advance understanding of deep saline aquifers (DSA) for geological CO2 storage in five European industrial regions. DSAs have much promise and potential for CO2 storage, yet are not well studied. There is a need to increase confidence in and understanding of these sites to enable faster deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS), an essential set of technologies for combatting climate change. CCS involves capturing CO2 and injecting it into the subsurface for safe and permanent storage.
United Kingdom
Number of industrial facilities in the promising regions (2018) (STRATEGY CCUS, 2019)
CO2 Emissions (Mt/2018) in the promising regions (STRATEGY CCUS, 2019)
Project partners the University of Edinburgh and Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS) are based in the UK.
Number of industrial facilities in the promising regions (2018) (STRATEGY CCUS, 2019)
CO2 Emissions (Mt/2018) in the promising regions (STRATEGY CCUS, 2019)
Project partner Fraunhofer is based in Germany.
Number of industrial facilities in the promising regions (2018) (STRATEGY CCUS, 2019)
CO2 Emissions (Mt/2018) in the promising regions (STRATEGY CCUS, 2019)
Number of industrial facilities in the promising regions (2018) (STRATEGY CCUS, 2019)
CO2 Emissions (Mt/2018) in the promising regions (STRATEGY CCUS, 2019)
Téléchargez ici les documents du projet et du Groupe de réflexion des parties prenantes GRAT :
Fiche de présentation du projet
Présentation de Symlog, GRAT3, nov 2024
Présentation du BRGM, GRAT3, nov 2024
Présentation de GEOSTOCK, GRAT3, nov 2024
Présentation de l'IFPEN, GRAT3, nov 2024
Synthèse Portes Ouvertes Grandpuits mai 2024
Présentation du BRGM, Portes ouvertes, mai 2024
Présentation du GIEC, mai 2024
Résumé 2pp de la réunion GRAT2, Sept 2023
Rapport complet de la réunion GRAT2, Sept 2023
Présentation de l'IFPEN, GRAT2, Sept 2023
Présentation du BRGM, GRAT2, Sept 2023
Rapport complet de la réunion GRAT1, Mars 2023
Number of industrial facilities in the promising regions (2018) (STRATEGY CCUS, 2019)
CO2 Emissions (Mt/2018) in the promising regions (STRATEGY CCUS, 2019)
Vídeo de visão geral do projeto
Captura, Transporte e Armazenamento Geológico de CO2 - O projeto PilotSTRATEGY em Portugal (Video)
Descarregue a brochura do projeto
Descarregue o poster do projeto
Number of industrial facilities in the promising regions (2018) (STRATEGY CCUS, 2019)
CO2 Emissions (Mt/2018) in the promising regions (STRATEGY CCUS, 2019)
Vídeo de descripción general del proyecto
Localización, estratigrafía y geología de Lopín-Cuenca del Ebro
Number of industrial facilities in the promising regions (2018) (STRATEGY CCUS, 2019)
CO2 Emissions (Mt/2018) in the promising regions (STRATEGY CCUS, 2019)
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