
WP3 will assess the storage capacity and integrity of the sites. Dynamic and complex simulation will identify the likelihood of pressure build-up, based on the geological model, reservoir heterogeneity and fluid flow characteristics. 


  • Estimating storage capacity and defining the injection strategy (well location and injection rate) 
  • Estimating CO2 fate in the long term
  • Estimating the integrity of near wellbore caprock and fault/fractures
  • Providing input data and information for tasks in WP4 and WP5


D3.2 Report on static modelling with uncertainties

This report summarizes the work that has been performed in the WorkPackage 3, “WP3, Static and Dynamic modelling”, task 3.1, “Static modelling and Uncertainties”.

The objective of this task was to build a 3D geological model covering all the targeted area as defined in WorkPackage 2 (“WP2, Geo‐characterization”) for the choice of the pilot location. The domain contains the storage complex zone (reservoir and caprock), and the underburden and overburden to fit the purposes of the related tasks (3.2, 3.3 and 3.4). Static models are a crucial step for the upcoming dynamic modelling to estimate storage capacity and provide the basis for the risk analysis. While pursuing the efforts on this task, regular knowledge‐sharing sessions were committed between partners involved in this WP3.1, and all benefited support from AspenTech on best practices for modelling, in particular for using Aspen Skua software.

This task relied heavily on data that were collected and processed in WP2. Thus, the quality of this work results also from a strong involvement, communication, and data exchange between WP2 and WP3.

D3.3 Report on optimization – Injection strategy and storage capacity

Dynamic simulations have been performed to assess the storage capacity and integrity of the PilotSTRATEGY’s pilot sites, which include the Paris Basin in France, the Lusitanian Basin in Portugal, the Upper Silesia area in Poland, and the Ebro Basin in Spain. The main objective of this study consisted in the definition of the CO2 injector location and an optimal injection strategy considering the associated potential risks. For this, a sensitivity analyses was performed based on the reservoir characterization and identification of the main uncertainties to be quantified using numerical simulation approach, where static properties presented the most impacting influence on results.

Other Work Packages



Overall coordination and management of the project internally and externally

  • Day-to-day project management
  • Project Consortium Agreement monitoring
  • Risk management and quality control
Explore WP1


Assembling, acquiring and interpreting geological data

  • Geological modelling of pilot sites (Ebro, Lusitanian and Orleans-Paris Basins)
  • Bespoke data acquisition and usage for each pilot region
  • Re-interpret data for secondary sites (Upper Silesia, West Macedonia)
Explore WP2


Assessment of site storage capacity and integrity

  • Storage capacity and injection strategy
  • CO2 fate in the long term
  • Integrity of near wellbore caprock and fault/fractures
Explore WP3

Pilot Development

Development concepts for proposed pilots (Ebro, Lusitanian and Orleans-Paris Basins)

  • Information to enable decision on viability of each pilot
  • Pilot design and investment proposal
  • Robust project life-cycle
Explore WP4


Ensuring proposed pilots meet the best safety and performance standards

  • Ensure no significant risk of leakage or damage to human health/environment
  • Methodological framework and guidance
  • Recommendations for pilot implementation
Explore WP5

Social Acceptance

Investigating societal acceptance and public engagement

  • Understand public attitudes and needs
  • Build community and stakeholder participation
  • Develop public engagement recommendations
Explore WP6

Communications & Impact

Increasing the visibility and impact of the project

  • Communicate vision and findings
  • Deliver dissemination activities
  • Project data and impact management
Explore WP7