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Lena in Gran Canaria

Research institute provides steady path to success


In the latest of our team profiles, we speak to Lena Kappler, one of the administrators who keeps PilotSTRATEGY on track Lena Ka...

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Advisory board provides expert support


We are delighted to share with you the members of our external Advisory Board, which provides expert support to the project conso...

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Thermal power plant, Kozani, Northern Greece

Greece looks to capitalise on promising storage capacity


In this regional profile, we look at West Macedonia, one of our promising secondary regions West Macedonia in north-west Greece ...

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New paper on CO2 interaction with brine and rock


We are delighted that our project is now sufficiently advanced that we can start publishing some of our research. Congratulation...

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Generic lab testing equipment

Portugal and Spain chose between offshore and onshore sites


PilotSTRATEGY has made one of its biggest decisions to date – whether to proceed with research into pilot storage sites offshore ...

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Dr. Pedro Pereira and Prof. Jorge Pedro

Portuguese team shares CCS research at Mediterranean geoscience conference


A core aim of PilotSTRATEGY is to raise awareness of carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a suite of technologies that can help ad...

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Seismic acquisition study

Blog: 3D Seismic Acquisition - Grandpuits, France


Safe storage of CO₂ deep in the earth requires an extensive knowledge of the subsurface, such as the geometry of the geological l...

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Picture of Pavlos in the field

Profile: Dr Pavlos Tyrologou – early fascination with geology leads to wide-ranging career


Co-leader of PilotSTRATEGY’s work in Greece studied in the UK, joining our partner CERTH in 2018 Like many youngsters, Pavlos Ty...

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Cimpor's Souselas cement factory

Bringing CCS to Portugal's Lusitanian Basin: choosing storage sites and engaging with stakeholders


With an important decision looming, PilotSTRATEGY’s team in Portugal is racing to collate as much evidence and analysis as possib...

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Blog: Assessing social and political support for CCS in southern and eastern Europe


In this blog, Dr Vicki Duscha and Dr Elisabeth Dütschke of Fraunhofer ISI discuss their analysis of European regulatory framework...

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