Home> News> Engaging with the young: explaining what CCS is for Portuguese National Day of Scientists

Engaging with the young: explaining what CCS is for Portuguese National Day of Scientists

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Maria Helena presenting

The National Day of Scientists was celebrated on May 16 across Portugal. This event has taken place since 2016. It aims to celebrate and recognise the contribution of the scientific community to advances in knowledge and to the progress and well-being of society.

As part of the celebrations in Évora in 2023, the Centro de Ciencia Viva de Estremoz (https://www.cienciaviva.pt/), in collaboration with the School of Sciences and Technology of the University of Évora (https://www.uevora.pt/), organized several activities to promote science in the community. ‘One scientist in each school’ aimed to engage young students from the 4th grade and to explain to them what scientists do.

A member of the PilotSTRATEGY team, Maria Helena Caeiro, had the opportunity to visit a school in Évora and explain to 10-year-old students what it is like to be a CCS researcher. All the students were very excited to hear about carbon storage in deep rocks and to understand that advanced science can be simple and fun!

Participation in this event was a great occasion to explain to young children the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and how scientists can contribute with advances in technology, while broadcasting the aims of CO2 storage and the findings of the PilotSTRATEGY project.

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