Home> Events> Webinar 4 - Investigation and prospects of CCS technology for climate change mitigation in Greece, West Macedonia

Webinar 4 - Investigation and prospects of CCS technology for climate change mitigation in Greece, West Macedonia

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31/10/24 | 14:00 - 15:00 | Online | Time shown is CET

Webinar 4 flyer

The Green Deal, crafted in response to the UN Paris Treaty and the EU Taxonomy, demands drastic measures for transitioning to a net-zero economy and mitigating climate change effects. To facilitate this transition smoothly and pave the path for new technologies, we must employ current innovative technologies at scale. These technologies should prioritise areas most affected by the transition, fostering well-paid job growth and leveraging existing expertise to minimise future investment costs and ensure social acceptance. 

Geological carbon storage, also known as carbon sequestration, emerges as a proven, viable, and innovative solution to the challenges of energy transition. It minimises disruption, retains the workforce, and offers the potential for higher salaries due to the required expertise. This technology involves capturing carbon from large-scale industrial emitters like fossil fuel power plants and cement factories, then securely storing it in suitable geological formations at depths exceeding 800 meters, with minimal environmental impact, provided safety measures are met. 

Over the past five years, West Macedonia has served as a pilot for implementing this technology, with the Mesohellenic trough identified as a promising candidate. The insights gained from this initiative will serve as a knowledge base for deploying similar solutions in other suitable locations across Greece. The workshop aims to delve into CCS technology, its economic feasibility, and its implications for addressing climate change.





Dr. Nikolaos Koukouzas, CERTH


This webinar is part of our Autumn 2024 Webinar Series. Please see below the schedule of webinars

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