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Project General Assembly in Lisbon concludes successfully

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Group photo of partners outside ICS building

PilotSTRATEGY team is thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of our General Assembly held in Lisbon from April 16th to 19th, at the ICS University!

With over 60 participants and representation from 16 European partners spanning 7 countries, it was an incredible gathering of minds and ideas.

During the assembly, we explored our mid-term project, discussing ongoing activities, sharing updates, and engaging in valuable exchanges to advance the development of CO2 storage pilots in Portugal, Spain, France, Poland and Greece.

A highlight of the event was our unforgettable field trip to Praia de Paredes de Vitória outcrop, Nazaré, and Alcobaça.

Surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of Portugal's coastline, we gained fresh perspectives and forged lasting connections.

Special thanks to our Advisory Board members Charles Gorecki, Filip Neele, Aurore Plougoulen, Paulo Negrais Seabra, Jean-Luc Formento for their invaluable guidance and insights, steering our project towards success with their precious advice.

Huge appreciation to the Portugal team from ICS University, EVORA University, and GALP Energia for their fantastic hosting and organization of this event.

Stay tuned for more updates very soon !

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